Reducing The Killing Effects Of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux disease or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) for short, is a condition in which the contents of the stomach, usually digestive acids, back to the esophagus. This acid is not something that the esophagus is supposed to have it and as a result of reflux occurs when a range of symptoms can begin. The first thing most people or less heartburn discomfort, but as the condition worsens you can not have a bitter taste in the back of the throat, pain, burning, and finally, damage to the esophagus and larynx.

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but the first thing you need to do if you suspect that you have this condition is to visit your doctor so that it can be correctly diagnosed. The treatment for a disease that you do not have is not always a good idea, although most of the treatment options for acid reflux are nothing more than lifestyle changes to eventually benefit your overall health. Here’s 5 quick tips that can help relieve symptoms of acid reflux.

1. Changes in diet - Learn which foods out of a whole and prevent acid reflux is a good first step. It also helps to eat smaller meals because food is more than your stomach produces acid to digest its contents. Fast food should also be avoided because of its high fat content which appears to exacerbate symptoms in most people.

2. Weight Loss - Losing weight has been shown to help those who suffer from acid reflux. Because fatty foods and foods with high sugar content is known to do worse, it only makes sense that reducing these foods will help reduce the symptoms and lead to weight loss as well.

3. Gravity Works - If you suffer from acid reflux can see that it gets worse when established, particularly after eating a large meal. The problem is that if you lie down after eating the excess acid your stomach secretes is easier route into the esophagus. You need to give your stomach an hour or two to digest it before bedtime.

4. Alcohol and cigarettes - Quitting and practice moderation with alcohol have been shown to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Both habits weaken the esophageal sphincter, the muscle that closes the esophagus from the stomach. The high sugar content of alcoholic beverages also cause excess stomach acid to be secreted.

5. Chew gum - Chewing gum causes salivation and saliva is the body’s natural anti-acid. As you swallow the saliva released by the gum which neutralizes the acid moves up the esophagus and stomach.

6. Medication - There is a whole group of OTC drugs available and to monitor the effects of acid reflux. It is best to talk to your doctor about these options and be sure to report any side affects it can cause. Your doctor can help you choose the medicine that works best for your particular problem.