How to Diagnose Acid Reflux Disease

My heart is in flames. Now I know that when we hear those words a lot of thoughts that come to mind as different song titles and lyrics, take the lines, pure love. But let me tell you what comes to my mind that acid reflux disease. If you have a lot of heartburn doctor can tell if you have acid reflux.

Doctors confirm the diagnosis through the use of special drugs that suppress the production of acid the stomach produces. If the medication helps reduce the severity of the acidity that the diagnosis was confirmed. The diagnosis of acid reflux disease this is not always efficient. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is one of the most common methods for diagnosing acid reflux disease. During this procedure, a tube - which is built with an optical system - is swallowed by the patient. The doctors examine the lining of the stomach, esophagus, duodenum and the tube functions as it passes through the body.

This procedure is not effective in patients with normal esophagus although it could have acid reflux disease and symptoms associated with it. Those with an inflamed esophagus that is very clear diagnosis of the doctors.

Gastric Emptying Studies

These studies help doctors determine how well a patient’s body can be empty of food in your stomach . Health studies show that 20% of patients who have acid reflux disease have a stomach that empties everything slowly - which is why acid reflux is to the esophagus. Gastric

During these studies the patient eat food that is considered formed by radioactive substances. The doctor will place a Geiger counter on the stomach of the patient to measure how fast the substance in food is emptied from the stomach.

Acid Perfusion Test

This test is used to see if the chest pain that the patient is experiencing is being caused by the acid reflux. During the testing, medical nutrition through a thin tube and a nostril through the back of the throat until the mid-esophagus.

A dilute acid solution is poured alternately with normal salt solution through the tube and the esophagus. The patient was not told that the solution is poured first. If the acid solution causes the patient pain and no salt solution that the patient has acid reflux.