There are many confusion surrounding heartburn and acid reflux and finding a permanent relief, can be somewhat difficult, to say the least. And for the lucky few, a prescribed medication was enough to completely rid of acid reflux and heartburn. But for the rest, let's just say we aren't that lucky...

Symptoms would manifested during the day, but mostly came at night while I was asleep. I would suddenly wake up with a mouth full of acid. And because of that, I would feel terrible the next day due to the lack of sleep, not to mention that I was experienced something similar to being poisoned, which left me tired and unable to focus for the rest of the day.
I do not have to tell you what other symptoms I have suffered because I am sure you understand how terrible it felt to have these symptoms lingering for the most part of your day., and how it affects the quality of your life.
Throughout this time I was prescribed several medicines such as Prevacid that provided nothing more than a temporary relief. I also took over-the-counter antacids like Tums. I must’ve swallowed hundreds of bottles of the stuff. I tried many expensive GI health supplements but they only provided short-term relief. They certainly did not solve the problem.
Last year, I experienced a severe acid reflux attack and went to the emergency room. They doubled my Prevacid prescription and told me to avoid the usual foods I was already avoiding.
I had an upper GI and Endoscopy performed. The physician read the results.
The conclusion: I had Acid Reflux and he advised I should be on Prevacid for the rest of my life.
This was completely unacceptable! I already avoided the usual acid reflux triggering foods, I slept with my bed elevated at the head and I lay on my side, but the doubled up dose of Prevacid was no longer working!
I was going out of my mind. Getting rid of my acid reflux seems so impossible now, since I have done all what was recommended, and the situation worsens. I felt curing this disease was far too impossible. I have to live through this horrible situation for the rest of my life...
But fortunately, now I do not have to. And I can thank a nutritionist named Jeff Martin for it.
During my “quest for a cure” I stumbled upon his website where he claimed to have suffered from acid reflux and digestive disorders for eleven years until he discovered a unique holistic solution for all types of acid reflux and digestive disorders. Based on his website it appeared Jeff was honest and knew what he was talking about. Anything was worth a shot at this point so I bought the book right away.
It is important to note that before I bought Jeff’s program, I tried numerous anti-reflux diets, took herbal supplements, tried Chinese medicine, reflexology, homeopathy remedies, Threelac — you name it — but nothing worked! If you’re having doubts, I can assure you that Jeff’s program is unlike anything you have ever seen.
I followed Jeff’s instructions step by step.
The results were almost instantaneous! After two days I felt a major relief. I was down to one Prevacid a day one week after I started the program. I was completely off Prevacid and Tums three weeks after.
I remember for the first several days that I actually felt worse because my body was going through such a cleansing process and the die-off effects started to manifest. But boy, was that ever rewarding. I was euphoric, just knowing that I was finally on the right path to recovery.
About 27 days into the program I was visibly healthier, my acid reflux and all its related symptoms were gone. It was the closes thing to a miracle that I have ever experienced.
Six weeks into the program, I had made a SIGNIFICANT progress. I felt rejuvenated, energized, happier and so much healthier.
I am a totally different person today. I have lots of energy. I have no acid reflux or any digestive disorders whatsoever. I sleep through the night. I wake up alert and full of life.
Jeff’s method truly does work. After all the time and money that I had spent on various cures and doctors appointments, a one-time cost of $47 gave me all the answers I needed. I would HIGHLY recommend this product to anyone who, like myself, has been disappointed, depressed, and even angry and frustrated while trying to find true cure for acid reflux.